About us

Let's see who we are

About us

About Golden Grade Petroleum

Golden Grade Petroleum, your number one source for all petrochemical products. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of customer service and uniqueness. Our team has come a long way from the oil & gas industry. When Golden Grade Petroleum first started out, our aim is to provide the best quality petrochemical products. We now serve customers all over UAE, and are thrilled to be a part of the petrochemical industry.

Our values connect us and guide us.
We assure our customers will enjoy our products .

The company can build up a strong relationship with the customers and we make it sure that all the customers who visit us are satisfied as king of the market.


Satisfied customers are our strength and we will keep our strength strong. Golden Grade Petroleum Products Trading respect the rules and regulations of UAE.


Choose what's right for you we focus on deliver of bunkers and supply of petroleum products. Our team will make your enquiries fulfill with correct demand you asked

Why Choose Us...!

Features of Golden Grade Petroleum

Customized Your Needs

From assured quality to quantities right at your doorsteps, we assure that our solution will meet your needs on time every time.

Quality Assured Products

Golden Grade Petroleum Products Trading assures the quality petrochemical products you can depend on for all our customers-from small-scale to large-scale.

24/7 Availability

Golden Grade Petroleum Products Trading, with full-time support. Our services are available to you 24/7, so help is there when you need it.

On Time Delivery

At Golden Grade Petroleum Products Trading, we guarantee the timely delivery of our products, ensuring they arrive in clean and securely sealed packages.
